I Can Still See the Light

Rachel Odiwour graduated from African Christian College with a Bachelor of Theology degree in Counselling. She was a UKWAZI Scholarship recipient.

She penned this poem in tribute to her college education just before her graduation in November 2014.

I Can Still See the Light

The darkness was too thick when the light shown on me
I was terrified and shaded my eyes because it hurt so much to look straight at it.
I ducked and closed my eyes tight hoping it would go away
As time passed with my eyes closed, it was very clear,
There was darkness and there was light.
Even with my eyes closed, I could still see the light.

Mama, when will you return? Is a cry and a wish that I had every morning,
But she was gone to him who loved her most,
Lonely as a deserted Island I was ever since she left,
Without a soul that cared except for my immature sister Nana who tried to be a mama to us,
And every time she failed in one way or another, I felt the pain and closed my eyes
Even with my eyes closed, I could still see the light.

Together with the light descended an angel from above,
Heaven must have chosen that I needed him in my life,
He was full of love, care and concern for mere me,
He tended this withered flower with pure water until it blossomed,
Finally the invisible became visible, and I lifted up my arms in praise,
Even with my eyes closed, I could still see the light.

People could now look at me, but God was not done with me yet,
This angel had the ability to polish me up and make me valuable,
For Felix, the love of my life, to cherish and behold,
Highly is he appreciated from the depths of my heart,
For he taught me so much and gave me young ones to care for,
Even with my eyes closed, I could still see the light.

What a beautiful gift from heaven that came in abundance,
A cute and handsome baby boy, Gil my beloved first born child,
And my sweet little Liz, the beautiful princess who was much adored by God
Returned to her maker within a twinkle of an eye,
So much sorrow and pain in our hearts, my redeemer and comforter was always there for us,
Even with my eyes closed, I could still see the light.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God,
Knowledge and wisdom come from the Lord only to those who seek it,
God has done great things for us, he’s still in the process of doing more,
ACC is a participant in his work as Mr. Chimhungwe would say,
A job well done for I have acquired counseling skills and theology as well,
Even with my eyes closed, I could still see the light.

Love overflows through my heart for all, I love you,
Not because of anything but because I am filled with love,
I am thankful to all, with even the little impact you had or have on me,
I am grateful that you shared what you could with me as long as I was with you for three years,
Now my time is up and I’ll miss you all so much, my eyes are blurred with tears, but,
Even with my eyes closed, I can still see the light.

My name is Rachel Celestine Odiwuor and I am a Kenyan,
God is the source of everything visible within and around me,
He impacted me with a positive mind to view everything positively,
To love unconditionally, to laugh uncontrollably and appreciate appropriately,
Trust in him and he will never let you down, he will make you a new being, and you will shout with joy,
Even with my eyes closed, I can still see the light.